Pick’Em Dual and Finals
1) Make your “Pick”
a. Click on the wrestler’s name you believe will win with consideration of the “Point Spread”
Dual meet inst winner
b. A yellow indicator will appear around your “Pick” showing who you selected to win with consideration of the point spread.

2) Enter your predicted score of the match in the "My Score" field or select “Win by Fall."
a. A yellow indicator will appear showing who you selected to win by fall or by points without the spread.
Dual meet inst halo
Pick Points and the Point Spread
“Pick” points are awarded for every correctly predicted match result with consideration of the spread. The “Spread” are extra points added or subtracted to a wrestler’s final match score. The spread is set by the site administrator to make selection of the contest winner more interesting and equitable. The wrestler with the negative number displayed is believed to be favored to win by the administrator by the displayed points or more. For example wrestler “Y” must win by more than 2 ½ points to be a correct “Pick”.

Winner w/o Spread Points
Winner without the spread points are awarded for every correctly predicted match using the points entered in “Tie Breaker”-“My Score”-“Win by Fall” section. The Spread is not used here. Thus if a predicted winner by any means (points or fall) in this section wins the true match (by any means) a point is awarded.

Fall Points
Fall points are awarded for every correctly predicted fall. Fall points are subtracted for every incorrectly predicted fall

Score Difference
Score difference is determined by subtracting the difference in the real match results (ΔF) from the difference in the predicted match results (ΔP). The “My Score” winner and loser are specifically used in this determination.

ΔP – ΔF = Score Difference
ΔP = (“My Score” winner’s score) – (”MY Score” loser’s score)
ΔF = (“My Score” winner’s real match score) – (“My Score” loser’s real match score)

Falls, Technical Falls, Forfeits, Defaults and Disqualifications are equivalent to winning or losing a match by 15-0 or 0-15 respectively. The maximum ΔP is 15. The maximum ΔF is also 15. Thus a match predicted to be won by a technical fall of greater than 15 points or a real match that ends in a technical fall by more than 15 points still has a resulting ΔP or ΔF of 15.

“My Score” predicted result: Wrestler “A” wins 4-2 over Wrestler “B” (ΔP = 4-2 = 2)
Real Final Score: Wrestler “A loses 2- 4 to Wrestler “B” (ΔF = 2-4 = (-2))
ΔP – ΔF = 2 - (-2) = 4

“My Score” predicted result: Wrestler “A” wins by fall.
Real Final Score: Wrestler “A” wins 18-2 (max. ΔF = 15) ΔP – ΔF = (15 -0) – (15 -0) = 0

Determining Dual Pick’Em Leaderboard Ranking

The criteria are ordered as follows:
1) Number of Correct “Picks” (with the spread)
2) Number of Correct “Winners w/o Spread”
3) Number of Correct Falls
4) Least number of Score Difference